Please get in touch if you have interest in joining a VO-1 which will likely begin sometime later this year.

I began teaching everyone privately during the pandemic. Sessions via Skype, Zoom, etc., aren’t perfect, but work pretty well. You still are required to pass an evaluation session to be considered, but it’s a very relaxed process and it’s free. Simply write me to get an appointment, and we’ll work out the details. If all goes well, the actual lessons are scheduled by appointment between 9am and 3pm weekdays.

I teach others about the world of VO by introducing a series of subjects, which we explore together in depth. It’s not what anyone would call a “traditional” approach to teaching voice-overs, but I have come to recognize that individuals learn to be better performers much sooner if I take the time to train their minds as well as their voices. Much of success in VO is mental (this is true in life as well!) so getting your mind in the right place is critical if you are going to achieve success.

Thank you for your visit, time, and consideration. I hope you will get in touch. I truly enjoy helping others in their VO journeys. I hope 2023 is your best year ever.
